We strive to demonstrate our commitment to clients and our principles every day.

Our mission.

  • Discipline.

    Conduct the firm’s work in a highly disciplined fashion that ensures that the best ideas of the team are consistently applied to each client portfolio.

  • Quality.

    Exhibit a bias for high quality individual securities in proprietary investment solutions complemented with best in class specialty external managers.

  • Relationships.

    Identify and respond to individual client needs in a highly communicative, knowledgeable manner, keenly aware that serving our client is our top priority.

  • Impact.

    Positively impact the communities where our clients and staff live and work through sharing of our financial, personal and professional resources.

Our investment approach: A thoughtful firm view, consistently implemented.

Individual security selection, complemented with selected external managers using separate accounts, ETF’s and mutual funds. This approach to managing client assets offers access to Lindenwold’s proprietary equity and fixed income individual security selection processes, and significant transparency and flexibility. We have found this to be the preferred approach for larger, balanced portfolios with a desire to see granular reports of account assets.